How did you get into dentistry?
By chance of life and the opportunity to interview for a job.
What do you like most about the work you do at Clínica Sicilia?
The diversity of tasks to be performed, which allows me to get to know every area of the clinic and to learn something new every day.
What do you like most about the relationship with patients?
The relationship of trust and almost friendship that you establish with them over time.
What is the most common question you are asked by patients?
What is the price of an implant, whitening, first visit?
A series, a film, a book and a song:
TV Show: Lost
Film: The Name of the Rose
Book: The Prophecy
Song: With or Without you de U2
What special memory do you have of your childhood?
My brothers in the garage preparing all the ski equipment to go up the pass with my parents.
If you could get a special quality or ability overnight, what would it be?
Controlling the time, that would be fantastic
What would your perfect day look like?
A good morning of training, followed by lunch with my family and an evening at the cinema.
Beatles or Rolling Stones
Goya or Dalí
Winter or summer
Playing sport or watching it
Practice, always
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