Araitz Girón

Microsurgery Assistant

When did your vocation for the world of dentistry come about?

The truth is that I always wanted to dedicate myself to something related to health and the opportunity presented itself to me in dentistry.

What do you like most about the work you do at Clínica Sicilia?

The way you treat patients. Seeing that you are helping to improve their oral health.

What do you like most about the relationship with patients?

To see that they are satisfied with our work. And that we can help them overcome their fears of the dentist.

What is the most common question you are asked by patients?

Is it going to hurt...?

A series, a film, a book and a song:

TV Show: Perdidos
Book: One Million Dollar Baby
Film: Shadow of the Wind
Song: Vivir (Marc Anthony)

Beatles or Rolling Stones


Goya or Dalí


Winter or summer

Summer, of course.

Playing sport or watching it

Playing sport.

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